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Raconte-tapis ®

A playful way to discover story telling and reading

Bring to life story books with words and actions...
Read and play the story on the rug together...
child storytellers
Read and play the story on the rug together...

Storytelling-Rugs are excellent pedagogical tools that create a three dimensional space for children to apprehend stories and books. This motivates children to engage and participate verbally and phsically in the story.

Ideal for library events these Rugs enable access to early learning reading for teachers, parents, child minders and other educators...

exhibition visit
Eric surrounded by children with parents...

D'après LES TROIS GRAINS DE RIZ de Agnès Bertron & Virginie Sanchez

What is a Storytelling-Rug?

What is a raconte-tapis?

Amanda tells...
Amanda and her captivated young audience...

Launched in the late 80s by specialist educator Clotilde FOUGERAY-HAMMAM, these rugs are well-established in the extensive network of libraries in France and internationally (Belgium, Switzerland, Brazil, Portugal), the primary purpose of the Storytelling-Rug is to serve as a bridge between the child and the book.


The rug is a large, fabric, three-dimensional environment in which the story evolves. The characters of the tale are brought to life by the hands and words of the adult (or child) storyteller. The book is the backbone of the storytelling session.

Through this animation tool to which children are particularly sensitive, the aim is to encourage a relationship with books and reading based on pleasure and interest, and even to encourage children to tell the story themselves...

Eric tells...
Eric surrounded by children with parents...

Based on UNE POULE SUR UN MUR by Stefany Devaux

Children and Storytelling-Rugs

The raconte-tapis as seen by children...

An older one tells while the younger ones follow with the raconte-tapis.
An older child tells the story, and the younger ones follow on the rug.

The impact of Storytelling-Rugs

A storytelling rug allows children to enter the book as if into their own imaginary world. Drawn faithfully from the book illustrations, it transports children into the heart of the tale creating a strong connection between word and image, oral and visual languages.

This tool encourages the desire to read in children who read little or not at all. It offers adults a way to guide them toward mastery of oral language and subsequently reading without the young reader perceiving it as a constraint. It fosters and nourishes their appetite and curiosity for the images in the book and its narrative.

For children of different ages and levels of learning

Stimulated by the Storytelling-Rug the children "play the story' with three dimensional characters. Through this play not only do the children acquire vocabulary unselfconsciously, but also are drawn closer to the desire to read.

With younger children, the tactile and visual attraction to the raconte-tapis and its characters - combined with the adult's storytelling of the book - captures their attention spontaneously and leads them to approach the book itself for a more thorough exploration.

A facilitator with little ones around the raconte-tapis MER BLEUE.
children with Mer bleue

Based on PETITE FILLE ET LE LOUP by Agnès Hollard & Rémi Saillard.


An adventure initiated by Clotilde...

Clotilde FOUGERAY-HAMMAM is the "big shot" of storytelling carpet's, the person through whom this adventure was born and subsequently flourished, turning 'Raconte-tapis ®' into a brand and a recognized practice at the heart of libraries. This was in the 80s, when nothing similar existed.

Clotilde, the creator of the raconte-tapis concept.
One of the last photos of Clotilde - who left us at the end of 2021 - by Lauriane CANOVAS.

One of the last photos of Clotilde
- who left us at the end of 2021 -
by Lauriane CANOVAS.

Toward the pleasure of reading...

A specialized educator, after retiring, she devoted herself to volunteering as a librarian in Lignières, her adopted municipality in Cher, France. Passionate about reading, she was convinced of its importance for the inner development of everyone, especially children. Noticing a very moderate interest in reading among the school children welcomed in her library (in the 80s in the province), she, as a good educator, sought the magical tool that would make reluctant children want to approach books... and ultimately experience pleasure and interest in their company.

The Idea Takes Shape...

The trigger was the sensory mat she crafted for her soon-to-be-born grandson, the starting point for conceptualizing the magical tool she needed! Naturally, her initial raconte-tapis were no longer just sensory mats. They emerged from a project targeting 6-10-year-olds (learning or consolidating reading and writing skills) and an approach derived from her educational practice: an appealing tool, close to children but precisely following the narrative structure of a story, through which the child can engage in storytelling and reading in a playful manner, without constraint..

Finally, to truly appreciate the significance of the raconte-tapis concept, all the various forms inspired by it that can now be found here and there, particularly in France (story carpets, storytelling mats, story aprons...), undoubtedly, Clotilde has been its pioneer and inspirer, giving birth to a practice in favor of reading recognized for its effectiveness and relevance.

A great and beautiful achievement, indeed…

Based on LE PETIT HÉRISSON PARTAGEUR by Zemanel & V Gautier

The artistic team...

The artistic team...

Because it is indeed an art!

The creation of a storytelling carpet – to ensure its beauty and strong visual impact – requires good artistic skills and a conceptual approach capable of making it a coherent and effective narrative object, reflecting the children's book it will accompany.

As for storytelling with this tool within the scope of our interventions, we are also engaged in an artistic (and pedagogical) approach, both in the art of narration and in the staging of the children's book / storytelling carpet duo.

Thus, all members of our small team have a well-rooted artistic sensitivity in both their past and current practices...

Rug story made after HUGO ET CAGOULE by Loïc Dauvillier and Marc Lizano
based on HUGO ET CAGOULE by Dauvillier & Lizano

HUGO ET CAGOULE by Dauvillier & Lizano

Departed on her final journey at the end of 2021, she left us with the invaluable gift of a practice widely recognized for its relevance.

Educator, trainer at CEMEA (Center for Training in Active Education Methods), and in Schools for Educators. A voracious reader and storyteller by family tradition. Expresses herself artistically through interior decoration, setting up exhibitions, and theater set designs (within CEMEA). Involved in the community life of her town and a volunteer librarian, she began developing the idea of the storytelling carpet (raconte-tapis) there since 1987.

Eric narrates and facilitates Racontetapis training sessions. He crafting the storytelling carpets.

Trained in visual arts and later in theater (circus, mime, commedia dell'arte), Eric shifted towards directing and actor training (France, Italy, Brazil, Portugal). His particular interest lies in the processes leading to authentic expression in acting. Starting in 1994, he occasionally participated in the adventure of Raconte-tapis initiated by Clotilde, his mother, and then fully committed to it in 2002.

Now on different paths, his years of storytelling and facilitating Racontetapis training sessions have left their mark on the team's work.

Amanda studies theater at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom). Her journey as an actress (Japan, Poland, Italy, England, France) emphasizes the socio-cultural approach (hospitals, prisons, schools, daycares, socio-cultural centers), street theater, and theatrical masks. She has been practicing storytelling carpets since 2004, fulfilling her inclination for oral tradition, tales, and singing.

He crafting the storytelling carpets.

Of Dutch origin. Illustrator and creator of art furniture. Inspired by nature, she specializes in crafting creatively shaped garden furniture. She also designs children's rooms. Sensitized to Raconte-tapis and trained in this particular artistic practice, she embarked on crafting this tool in 2013 with great pleasure (shared! as the quality of her creations invites us to do so).

He crafting the storytelling carpets.

Studied dressmaking at an arts and crafts school in Lyon. Trained in puppet-making. Produces textiles that she tells and animates for children, and runs creative sewing workshops for children and adults. Author of the book "Créer vos contes en tissus" and other works published by Créapassions. She will be joining the raconte-tapis team in 2023 to help design and create this wonderful tool.


Departed on her final journey at the end of 2021, she left us with the invaluable gift of a practice widely recognized for its relevance.

Educator, trainer at CEMEA (Center for Training in Active Education Methods), and in Schools for Educators. A voracious reader and storyteller by family tradition. Expresses herself artistically through interior decoration, setting up exhibitions, and theater set designs (within CEMEA). Involved in the community life of her town and a volunteer librarian, she began developing the idea of the storytelling carpet (raconte-tapis) there since 1987.


Eric narrates and facilitates Racontetapis training sessions. He crafting the storytelling carpets.

Trained in visual arts and later in theater (circus, mime, commedia dell'arte), Eric shifted towards directing and actor training (France, Italy, Brazil, Portugal). His particular interest lies in the processes leading to authentic expression in acting. Starting in 1994, he occasionally participated in the adventure of Raconte-tapis initiated by Clotilde, his mother, and then fully committed to it in 2002.

Amanda SPEED

Actuellement investie dans d’autres projets, ses années passées à conter et animer les formations Racontetapis ont marqué de leur empreinte le travail de l’équipe.

Amanda studies theater at the University of Exeter (United Kingdom). Her journey as an actress (Japan, Poland, Italy, England, France) emphasizes the socio-cultural approach (hospitals, prisons, schools, daycares, socio-cultural centers), street theater, and theatrical masks. She has been practicing storytelling carpets since 2004, fulfilling her inclination for oral tradition, tales, and singing.

Marleen BOOY

He crafting the storytelling carpets.

Of Dutch origin. Illustrator and creator of art furniture. Inspired by nature, she specializes in crafting creatively shaped garden furniture. She also designs children's rooms. Sensitized to Raconte-tapis and trained in this particular artistic practice, she embarked on crafting this tool in 2013 with great pleasure (shared! as the quality of her creations invites us to do so).


He crafting the storytelling carpets.

Studied dressmaking at an arts and crafts school in Lyon. Trained in puppet-making. Produces textiles that she tells and animates for children, and runs creative sewing workshops for children and adults. Author of the book "Créer vos contes en tissus" and other works published by Créapassions. She will be joining the raconte-tapis team in 2023 to help design and create this wonderful tool.

based on ALORS ÇA MORD ? by Jean Gourounas

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